Promotion Plan

1) Advertisements on Highway advertising boards


2) Outdoor Advertisement at various location of China


3) Website Promotion

塑料机械网 金蜘蛛紧固件网 天下机械 中国传动企业网
机床商务网 亚洲工业网 金属加工在线 齿轮传动网
激光世界 盘古机械网 超协网 中塑在线


4) Baidu Search Promotion


5) EDM Promotion


6) H5 Media promotion


7) Sent VIP card and invitation card

Greater Bay Expo Invitation Card


8) Advertising on All Major Professional Magazines

Japanese Magazines
 → 日本机悈技術,型技術杂誌2022年第3期刊出dmp广告
中国香港杂志 – 香港模具及产品科技协会

9) Advertising on All Major Newspapers

Japan Newspapaers
 → 日刊工业新聞广告2022年10月31日

10) Airport and Subway Advertising Bboards

11)Set up pull up banner on Airport and Subway

12) Promotional leaflets and invitation cards would be delivered at major events or association office

Promotions by TV, Radio and MTR Broadcast

13) 播放電視、電台、地鐵廣告